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Student Testimonials


"UWC is not only about studying with a diverse community but also about living together with these people. The experiences one faces at UWC are very unique. It allows you to grow as an individual, seek personal challenges, lead through action and personal examples, obtain a sense of idealism, respect the environment, respect personal and mutual responsibility and integrity, and last but not least understand diversity and interconnection. UWC will enable you to look at the world through different lenses and empower you to realize your potential and be a catalyst for positive change. Every moment of your being in UWC is a learning process. The conversations you have over the table with the people in UWC are incomparable to anything, as they contain so many stories and attributes from around the world that you have never heard or known about. UWC gives a platform for all of its students to celebrate their cultures with others."

- Mehrimo, UWC ISAK Japan '21


"Дар UWC Dilijan ҳатто шахсоне ҳам буданд, ки дар бораи Тоҷикистон маълумоте ҳам надоштанд ва ман хеле хушҳол аз онам, ки дар ҳафтаи фарҳангии Осиё тавонистам бо суруд ва рақси миллӣ ва наворе аз манзараҳои дилнишини кишвари азизамон, Тоҷикистони зебоманзарро муаррифӣ намоям, ки баъд аз ин намоиш дар дили баъзе аз онҳо хоҳиши аз ин кишвари биҳиштосо назар намудан пайдо шуд."

- Shohruz, UWC Dilijan '21 


"Дар дил орзӯҳои бағоят калони ба давлати худ ва ҷаҳон хизмат кардан дорам, ки ҳеҷ чиз чун UWC ёрӣ намедиҳанд. Ман дар ин оила худро кашф карда истодаам, ва як қадам наздиктар ба орзӯҳо қарор дорам. Ба ҳар он хоҳару бародаре, ки инро мехонанд, маслиҳати аз даст надодани ин имконияти беҳамторо дорам."

- Jamshed, UWC East Africa '21


"Studying in UWC Costa Rica with students from 93 different countries taught me how big, and at the same time small is our world, how close, and at the same time, different we are from people of other cultures, traditions and nationalities. Every single day at UWC teaches a student new things, making one appreciate every single day, every single lunch or dinner that one takes with his classmates, where in one single small table people from different part of the world will seat and discuss topics from how bad or good the cafeteria food is, to how global warming should be solved."

- Aiso, UWC Costa Rica '15 

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  • Our Gifts to the Globe: How UWC Alumni Are Changing Our World

    Published 20/12/18












    It is better to give than to receive.

    Behind this well-known saying is a sentiment that many in the UWC community would support. UWC students receive an amazing, life-changing gift when they study at one of our 17 schools. But more importantly, they come away inspired to give back by striving to make our world a better place.

    Here are just a few of the incredible gifts UWC alumni are giving to our world through their work and influence... 

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